Our Hawaiian word today is a good example of the importance of putting the right stress on vowel sounds, or leaving them off. Lolo means brains, and it is…
Our Hawaiian word for today is a well-known place name on Kaua?i, Po?ip?. It is often mispronounced because people see the first three letters as a group…
Our Hawaiian word for today is really a short and useful phrase, na?u e uku. It means my treat or I'll pay.
Pu?un?n? is a place on the island of Maui, and a beautiful name that is all too often mispronounced. It is named for a hill – a pu?u – where you might…
We often hear ali?i in conjunction with pageants and other places where our chiefs are portrayed. Yes, ali?i means chief, chiefess, officer, ruler,…
Wai wai means goods, property, assets, valuables, value, worth, wealth. We most often hear wai wai to mean rich, wealth, or value, as in the popular song…
Manu means bird or any winged creature, even the wing of a kite. We have many kinds of beautiful manu in Hawai?i, many of them found only in Hawai?i, and…
Ha?aha?a means “lowly, humble, unpretentious, modest, and unassuming.” Remember it as a good way to sign off a letter – me ha?aha?a – with humility.
Another very commonly used Hawaiian word is nani. Nani means beautiful. It is often used in names as in pua nani for “beautiful flower.” Nani n? ?oe – you…
Yesterday we told you about mauka, a direction meaning “at the upland.” Today's Hawaiian Word of the Day is makai, meaning “at the sea” the opposite…