Kauai Agora open house

Kauai Agora open house
“Kauai Agora”, A FREE (no cost) Communication and Leadership Club in Lihue, welcomes Kauai residents to its open house on June 17, 2024, at Saint Michael's and All Angels Church in Lihue. Join us at 12:00 p.m. in the conference room located at the rear building for this one-hour event. Our club provide a safe and supportive environment empowering members to improve real world skills – “skills we need to succeed”: communication, leadership, and critical thinking. We do this through collaboration and hands-on practice using an evidence-based and globally recognized framework for action-oriented improvement. The open house provides insight into the club's activities and methods. Membership is FREE! Our mission is to empower members to become brilliant communicators and confident leaders who will make a positive impact on our local community.