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Morning Café/Morning Concert
Weekdays 8 AM - Noon on HPR-2

Studio Line: (808) 792-8245

HPR Music Director Gene Schiller's signature program begins each weekday morning with Morning Café, a refreshing blend of music, usually built around a special theme. The program also includes interesting features, and frequently live interviews with visiting guest artists. After the 10am NPR news break, Morning Concert kicks in with longer classical works.

About the theme music:

The birds which sing on cue at the beginning of Morning Concert are found on "The Good Brown Earth" on Checkfield's Greatest Hits. This has been the show's theme since the former music director, the late Alan Bunin, hosted the program and has been retained in his honor. It is available on CD. The original CD is called "Water Wind and Stone." It is available on American Gramaphone Record's AAGCD-700. American Gramaphone's address is 9130 Mormon Bridge Road, Omaha, NE 68152.