Soul Shop Hawai‘i 2024

Soul Shop Hawai‘i 2024
Soul Shop is a free workshop that addresses the primary obstacles to dealing with suicide such as stigma, fear, and shame; statistics/facts about suicide; and how ministries can create a supportive environment while shifting the culture around how people deal with this subject and one another. Soul Shop has developed techniques for recognizing people who are hurting and helping them to be heard through life-saving conversations.
SESSION ONE: Friday, July 19, 2024, 9AM to 4PM - for Community and Interfaith Leaders
This is a one-day workshop designed to equip faith community leaders to minister to those impacted by suicide. This includes the creation of worship resources, training congregation members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and then how to extend the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories. This workshop engages the question of how to cultivate a soul-safe culture within your congregation.
Please visit our ticketing website ( to reserve a spot for free!